YouTube / #NichtEgal «Escape»

How does it feel to be on the run with kids? For the #NichtEgal campaign on YouTube Germany, we produced a 6-minute short film that makes "escape" tangible.

As part of the #NichtEgal campaign, YouTube Germany commissioned us with a total of three short films. The most elaborate of them shows the escape of a family at close range.

The scenes of the moving story were shot at original locations such as a shelter in Berlin, at the German-German border or in a refugee shelter. With the actors, Anatole Taubmann, Melika Foroutan and Jennifer Weist well-known actors could be won for the leading roles.

Because many aspects have to be considered when shooting films with children, there were still some challenges that had to be clarified beforehand. Also, the special effects had to be well thought out.

Behind the production was a team of 40 people. The production was realized in cooperation with VICE Germany and VISUALISE.

The 360° film was nominated for the web video prize Germany.




YouTube Germany, Hamburg


Philipp Leisner

Director & Executive Producer

Richard Böhringer

Camera & Post-Production



Henrik Oppermann (schallgeber)